Gheorghe Naum 1907-1968

Gheorghe Naum was representing Romania at Venice Biennale in 1960 in a group exhibition including: Paintings by George Petrașcu. Drawings and engravings by Gheorghe AdocZoltan Andrássy, Corina Beiu Angheluță, Gheorghe BoțanGeta BrătescuEva Cerbu, Marcel Chirnoagă, Ștefan Constantinescu, Cornelia DanețVasile Dobrian, Emilia Dumitrescu, Ana IliuțGheorghe IvancencoPuia Hortensia MasichieviciNatalia MateiIosif MátyásGheorghe NaumNicolae Iulian OlariuMarcel OlinescuJules Perahim, Eugen Popa, Victor SilvesterBéla Gy Szabó, Gheorghe Șaru, Traian Vasai. Commissioner: Jules Perahim.

„Gheorghe Naum a skilful evoker of characteristic aspects of Danubian scenery in various techniques, is also turning to problems linked with representation of man.” – The Fine Arts in the Rumanian People’s Republic, Meridians Publishing House, 1961