Collection, Photography, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
RPR Min Culturii, Catalogul expozitiei concursului de fotografii artistice Patria noastra, 1955-1956, ESPLA Primul salon de artă fotografică al RPR, 1957 Al II-lea Salon Internaţional de Artă Fotografică al RPR, 1959 Al 3-lea salon de artă fotografică, Muzeul de artă...
Collection, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Willy Pragher, Lautar, 12×18 cmWilly Pragher, Ursari in București, 18×24 cmWilly Pragher, Vanzatorul de curcani, 18×12 cm Wilhelm Alexander Pragher (Willi sau Willy Pragher; n. 4 mai 1908, Berlin, Imperiul German – d. 25 iunie 1992, Freiburg im...
Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Fotografie ilustrând delegații la ”Congresul al IX-lea al Partidului Comunist Român”, în fața recent construitei Sălii a Palatului, iunie 1965
Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Hedy Löffler, polyfoto 215x70mmHedy Löffler polyfoto2 14×7 cmHedy Löffler, polyfoto, 11×7 cmHedy Löffler 1929, OradeaHedy Löffler 1928, 14×9 cm Hedy Löffler 1911-2007 Hedy Löffler-Weisselberger (n. decembrie 1911, Timișoara – d. 2007) a fost...
Collection, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Foto Royal, Funeral procession of Prime Minister I. G. Duca, assassinated by a legionary commando, January 2, 1934, 17 x 11.5...
Collection, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Alexandru Velceanu, Collectivization 1959, 13×8,5 cmAlexandru Velceanu, Collectivization 1959, 13×8,5 cm Alexandru Velceanu, fotograf
Collection, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Gheorghe Deac, Siragul, Hercules 1986, 30×39.5 cm Gheorghe...
Collection, Photography, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Marx Jozsef, Port popular – Mentiune, Hercules, Salon-Concurs de fotografii de arta pe teme etnografice si turism, 1978, 29 x 38.5 cmMarx Jozsef, Pregatirea miresei, Premiul Hercules 1990, 29.5 x 38.5 cmMarx Jozsef, Targul fetelor la Ghiurghiu – Hercules...
Collection, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Iosif Berman, Child and Milk Week, Allegorical Car in front of the Royal Palace, photo paper, black and white, toned, 13 x 18 cmIosif Berman, Defilare cercetasi, 11 x17 cmIosif Berman, 10 Mai Defilarea artileriei, 12×18 cm Iosif Berman (1892-1941) was Jewish...
Collection, Pioneers of Photography in Romania
Alexandru Bellu (1850-1921) with Aromanian roots from Macedonia is one of the pioneers of photography in Romania. Passionate by the peasants lifestyle Alexandru Bellu is photographing them in their natural habitat. The photos were reproduced in the album „La Roumanie...