Nasui Collection & Gallery is proud to present works of Daniel Brici and Vlad Petri within a co-produced curatorial show, ”Bucharest stories” by Oslo Intercultural Museum.

With his expressional portraits, Daniel Brici exposes the situation of homeless children, while Vlad Petri investigates prejudice among students in Bucuresti. The nostalgic paintings of Eugen Raportoru convey the timelessness in Romania’s capital. Iulian Bulai project differs from the others as he exhibits the lives of beggars in the streets of Oslo.

Opening by H.E. Mr. Adrian Davidoiu, the Romanian Ambassador in Norway and Vibeke Mohr (constituted Director of the Norwegian Art Council)

The exhibition is a result of a culture exchange program with Romania, financed by EEA funding’s through the Norwegian Art Council.

Opening: 6pm the 18th of February 2016

Free entrance.

When: From the 18th of February until the 28th of August 2016
Where: Intercultural Museum, Oslo Museum
Postboks 3078 Elisenberg,
0207 Oslo
Tlf 23 28 41 70