Gabriel Kelemen, Ph.D. is an artist and researcher, lecturer and head of the Art History and Theory department of the Faculty of Arts and Design at West University of Timişoara, Romania. For over 30 years he has studied the phenomenon of how stationary waves arise in liquids as they are stimulated by audible sound frequencies.
Gabriel’s experiments are performed with the rigor and discipline of a physicist, while his artistic sensitivity brings a playfulness and an inventiveness that often yield surprising results— for instance, his startling 3-dimensional Cymatic “sculptures” that mimic complex natural structures, such as flowers, biological organisms, and even the human face. His work has garnered much respect in scientific and artistic circles within his native Romania, and his drawings, photos, videos and sculptures are becoming widely exhibited throughout Europe.
Born on June, 27, 1968, Timișoara
2007– 2010 – PhD, West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Arts and Design, doctoral thesis entitled Experiment as mediation between science and art – vibration, form, symbol, coordinator Prof. Ph.D Alexandra Ionescu Titu
1998 – BA, West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Arts, Sculpture Department, Professor Petru Jecza
2010 – present: Lecturer Ph.D. Visual Arts, West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Arts and Design
- Solo Show – Universalitatea Arhetipului Sferă-Vortex, Muzeul de Artă Timișoara
- Gabriel Kelemen – Cymatics: when Sound meets Substance, solo show, Nasui Collection & Gallery
- Corpul Supravegheat/ Body Under Surveillance exhibition, Victoria Art Centre Gallery, Bucharest, 9 March 2011.
- Participation to Anti-utopii (Anti-utopias) seminar organised by the Students Organisation within West University of Timişoara, 19 April 2011
- Confluenţe (Confluences) exhibition, Art Museum of Timișoara, 3 June 2011
- Modeling workshop, Acces Art festival, 4th Edition, 4-5 June 2011
- Participation to the Graţie şi forţă (Grace and force) project, in memoriam Cosmin Lungu, 19 June 2011
- Participation to the Rubin-Dubova creation camp, August 2011
- The Origin of Form and Platonic Solids conference within PAO Architecture Summerschool, Potoc, 27 August 2011
- Simboluri uitate/Forgotten symbols personal exhibition, Pygmalion Gallery, within Open Art City project, organised by Ariergarda Cultural Association, Timişoara, October 2011
- Jelenlet collective exhibition, European Cultural Centre, Budapest, 16 November 2011
- Experiment as mediation between science and art. Vibration – form – symbol seminar within the public conference entitled Între ştiinţă şi artă.Dialoguri transdisciplinare/Between science and art. Trans-disciplinary dialogues organised by the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Arts and Design, 24 November 2011, “Ioan Curea” Aula Magna, West University of Timişoara
- The conference Embryo-soul in relation to the sphere-vortex principle within CORPUS International Symposium, organised by CORPUS International Group for the Cultural Studies of the Body in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Timişoara, 4-5 November 2010
- Anti-anamorfoze personal exhibition of polychromatic sculpture, Helios Gallery, Timişoara, 20 April 2010
- Ipostaze ale corpului uman/Aspects of the Human Body collective exhibition, Art Gallery Focşani, June 2010, and Bucharest, 18 October 2010.
- Să Nu Ucizi/Thou shalt not kill exhibition, TIMCO Gallery Timişoara, 27 October 2010.
- Participation to the international interdisciplinary seminar of anthropology, Parents’ Bodies, Children’s Bodies, with the presentation entitled The Symbolism of Embryonic Metamorphoses – from Life to Soul, Timişoara, 28-29 November 2011
- Urban Pastel Camp Exhibition, 3rd Edition, Rubin Foundation Timişoara, 20 November.
- Astrele, spaţiul cosmic în artele vizuale/Stars, cosmic space in visual arts exhibition, Administrative Palace Timişoara, 20 May.
- 1990 – 2010 Anniversary Exhibition, Faculty of Arts and Design Timişoara, 14 December.
- Annual fair of visual arts, Art Museum of Timişoara, 7 December 2010.
- Art in Progress collective exhibition, Europa Gallery, Braşov.
- Axe creation camp, Brebu, 22 April – 1 May
- Eugeniu de Savoya street holiday: creation and hand-over of Imperial Owl as well as the Wine Sculpture group exhibition, Timişoara, 1 August. 2009
- Vibration, form, symbol personal exhibition, Arhipelag Art Digital Art Gallery, Timişoara 89 Foundation, 4 December.
- Absurdul în arta plastică – Omagiu lui Eugen Ionescu/Absurd in plastic arts – Homage to Eugen Ionescu collective exhibition, Romanian Cultural Institute, Budapest, 2 July
2008 Peter Jecza – in Memoriam collective exhibition, Helios Gallery, Timişoara.
2006-2007 Utopii contemporane/Contemporary Utopias Festival, Timişoara – Bucharest.
2006 Maternitatea, izvorul vieţii/Maternity, the spring of life collective exhibition, Art Museum Timişoara, October
2002 Bi-annual of Small Sculpture, Arad.
2001 Al 7-lea Simţ/the 7th sense exhibition, Art Club, Timişoara.
2000 Art of volumes and lines, the Annual Art Fair, Art Museum, Timişoara.
1999 Personal exhibition, Adam Muller Guttenbrunn House, Timişoara.
1994-1998 Collective exhibitions, West University, Timişoara.
1996 Collective sculpture exhibition, Helios Gallery, Timişoara.
1996 Participation to the Creation Camp from Macea.
1995 Blick Kontakte International exhibition, Buren, Germany.
1995 Group exhibition, French Cultural Centre, Timişoara.
1994 Participation to the euROcon international festival of SF art, Timişoara.
1993 – 1997 Annual participation to the Student Festival, Timişoara.
1987 Group exhibition within Club Helion, Students’ House, Timişoara
- Article entitled Gabriel Kelemen – Atelierul laborator/Laboratory workshop, author Alexandra Titu, published in Arta – Revistă de arte vizuale, No. 1/2011 Arta în spaţiul public/ Art in public space, p. 118, ISSN 0004-3354,
- Sinteze contemporane – Arta românească/ Contemporary Syntheses – Romanian Art, Brumar Publishing House, Timişoara, 2011, ISBN 978-973-602-680-5
- Article on the collective volume entitled Corpul supravegheat / Body under surveillance, coordinator Petru Lucaci, UNArte Publishing House, 2010, ISBN: 978-606-8296-02-9
- Article on the volume: Corp-Artă-Societate – Reflecţii întrupate/Body-Art-Society – Materialised reflections, coordinator Laura Grunberg, Publishing House: UNArte, 2010, ISBN: 978-973-1922-99-7
2009 – TED Conference (Technology, Entertainment and Design), Evan Grant, Making sound visible through cymatics, September 2009, video material Gabriel Kelemen
2011 – INBIOSA conference, Gordana Dodig Crnkovic, Info-computationalism and Morphological Computing of Informational Structure, University of Stirling 2011, drawing Gabriel Kelemen
- Universalitatea principiului sferă-spirală/Universality of the sphere-spiral principle Volume, West Publishing House, Timişoara, 2009, ISBN 978-973-36-0489-1, launch on 22 June, Cartea de nisip Bookshop Timişoara
- Vibraţie-Formă-Simbol/Vibration-Form-Symbol Volume, AURA Publishing House, Timisoara, 2012, ISBN 978-973-7778-89-5, launch on 5 April
- Originea formei / The origin of form bilingual album, AURA Publishing House Timişoara, 2012, ISBN 978-973-7778-88-8, launch on 7 June
- Ciudatele chipuri lichide/The strange liquid faces article, published in Contrapunct, revista de literatură şi arte, no. 1-3, 2009
- Trough Matter, Towards the Sign article, published in Isomorphism magazine, No. 1/March 2012, Art – Interdisciplinary Field
- The archetype of the ideal city Fluidopolis article, published in Isomorphism magazine, No. 2/October 2012 Art – Interdisciplinary Field
- Vibration-Form-Human-Symbol essay, published in This Un-Real Body – Anthology of essays, Eurobit Publishing House, Timişoara, 2011, ISBN 978-973-620-837-9, CNCSIS Code 187
A transdisciplinary comprehensive approach to nonlinear phenomena in fluids induced by acoustic stimulation.
Consonant proto-languages and the hierarchy of biomorphic standing waves
Sound visualization is one of the ancestral human dreams. Capturing the image of the ephemeral sound still concerns scientific environments. Almost everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. Clarification of hierarchies, of the origin and consubstantiality of form with the natural language algorithm, inextricably grafted on phenomenal synergies, places form as a result of standing waves interferences in conjunction with symbolic inferences induced by language. Thus the cosmos is reduced to expressing order through sphere, a real brick of the open immeasurable, infinite construct, that punctually resides in the geometry of spheres with toroidal, discoid or spiral morphodynamic vicinities. This geometric minimalism allows for the infinitesimal thinness of terrestrial biosphere surface of all morphological diversity, subject to permanent rhythmic structuring and destructuring.
The influence of acoustic waves fields on liquids reveals striking morpho-dynamic conformations as a response of the fluid permeated by sound waves that induce and maintain standing waves, invisibly shaping the carefully selected liquid corpus.
The metamorphoses of the liquid matter traversed by vibrant energy reveals as dynamic patterns symmetries generated by interferential overlaps of loops and nodes of standing waves periodically stabilized in the fluid mass. Thus, visualized sound results from the confluence of sound-recipient-fluid interactions. The dynamics of standing waves occurred in the undulatory pulses of liquid circular surfaces establishes unifying bridges equivalent to the laws of musical harmony with polyhedral geometry.