Painter artist, born on 27 March 1937, Cabesti – Podu Turcului, Bacau
1961 -1867 “Nicolae Grigorescu” Institute of Fine Arts, Bucharest, department of painting, class prof. Al. Ciucurencu
1967 -1980 Graphic art education teacher at the level of high school education in Comarnic, Bucharest, Bacau; curator of contemporary at the County Art Museum of Bacau
1980 – present Freelancer painter artist residing in Bucharest, Romania
Since 1975 Member of the Visual Artists Union of Romania
Since 2000 Member of the International Association of Professional Artists
Personal exhibitions (selection)
2014 Bucharest SIGNUM Gallery (ASE)
2014 Bacau, “George Bacovia” University
2014 Bucharest, Dialog Gallery of sector 2 City Hall
2013 Bucharest, SOLGallery
2010 Bucharest, Art Gallery of the IRECSON Institute
2009 Bucharest, National Cultural Centre (C.A.V.)
2006 Bucharest, Simeza Gallery
2005 Koln Germany Piazzeta Des Historichen Rathauses
2005 Koblenz, Bendorf, Germany, Hinter Lenchens Haus
2004 Bistrita Nasaud, UAP branch Gallery
2003 Bucharest, Galateca, National University Library
2002 Bucharest, Arts Gallery, National Military Establishment
1999 Bucharest, Simeza Gallery
1998 Amboise, France, Le Pointtourne Gallery
1996 Bucharest, Gallery of the National Museum of Romanian Literature
1995 Bucharest, Orizont Gallery
1991 -1986 Bucharest, Art House Gallery
1979 Dusseldorf, Germany, Vieler & Bander Gallery
1974 -1972 Bacau, Art Gallery of the County Museum of History and Art
1971 Bucharest, Small Theatre Gallery
Group exhibitions in the country and abroad (selection)
2014 Bucharest, Simeza Gallery; Bacau-Chisinau Moldavia’s Salons, 24th Edition;
“Arts in Bucharest”, 5th ed.
2013 Rm. Valcea Space and Fervour Exhibition – Class of ’67, Art Museum; Paths of a vocation Exhibition, Dialog Gallery; M. Eminescu commemorative ex., Bucharest, National Library and lasi Th. Pallady Gallery
2012 Bucharest, The artist and the power, National Library; Arts in Bucharest Visual Arts Centre;
Winter salon, Museum of the Buc. Municipality Graphic Ex in Romanian painting MNCotroceni;
2011 International Ex. Book-object West meets East, C. Brancusi Hall of the Romanian Parliament and lasi, N. Tonitza Gal.; Nat. Art Salon Ramnicu-Valcea
2010 Bucharest Municipal Salon, Centre for Visual Arts; France, Romanian Contemporary Painting, Maurice Mathurin Gallery, Paris
2009 Gh. Petrascu Biennale, Targoviste; The Feminine Gesture, Veroniki Art, Bucharest
2008 Bruyere, France, Retrospective de Peinture Contemporaine Romaine; Buzau, Biennale Ion
Andreescu, UAP Art Gal.; Collioure, France, Soleil Catalan Retrospective Ex., Chateau
2007 Paris, Artistes Roumains, Montmartre sur Ies Chemins; La Rochelle, France Couleurs de
Roumanie; 11 Artistes Roumaines avec Soleil de l’Est, Normand; TIAV National Fine Arts Ex. , Romexpo, Foundation Societa Club UNESCO
2006 Collioure France, Ex. Romanian Painting Municipal Council; Bucharest, National Art Salon, C. Brancusi Hall – Romanian Parliament
2002 Bucharest, Municipal Salon of the UAP branch, Gal. C.A.; TIAV hali TNB; ShopArt, (7 editions) W.T.C. Bucharest
2001 Bucharest, National Art Salon, ROMEXPO; TIAV 4th ed.; Municipal Salon, National Theatre 2000 Brasov, Exposition retrospective: Le retour des “ambassadeurs”, Victoria Hall,
1999 France – Exposition: Artistes contemporains de pays de l’Est, “La Douve” Gallery, Langeais;
Galati, Conformism-Non comformism, Contemporary Art Museum; Bucharest Municipal Salon; TIAV Museum Cotroceni; Resita, Int. Art Salon; France La Viile de Lanquais, Artistes
Contemporains de Pays de l’Est
1998 Bucharest TIAV 1st ed. Auditorium, National Art Museum; France, Chateau de la Bourdaisiere, Loire,
Art de Pays de l’Est; France, Saint-Prive-Saint-Mesmin, Artistes de Roumanie et des Russie
1997 Ipotesti, Rm. Valcea, Bacau, Botosani, Bucharest –group exhibitions
1996 Bucharest, Municipal Art Salon, Caminul Artei, Orizont, Simeza Gallery;
Germany, Studernheim, Senck Gallery, Group exhibition 4 artists
1994-1992 Bucharest, National Art Salon, TNB
1991 Bucharest, National Art Salon, TNB; Galati, National Salon of Moldavians;
The netherlands, Wageningen, Group of Romanian Painters
1988 Bucharest, Painting and Sculpture Biennale, Dalles hall
1987 Bucharest, National Graphics Salon, National Theatre
1986 Bucharest, Painting and Sculpture Biennale, Dalles; Graphics, Parliament hall
1985-1984 National Art Fair, Dalles hall
1982-1981 Bucharest, Republican Salon of painting and sculpture, Dalles hall
1980 Bucharest, Republican Salon of painting and sculpture, Dalles hall
1976 Bucharest, National Teacher’s Exhibition, National Art Museum
1975 Bucharest, Republican Graphics Salon, Dalles hall
The Romanian Army depicted in the Fine Arts, Roman Athenaeum hall, Bucharest
1980-1970 participaates in all the county and group exhibitions in Bacau. Also exhibits in Buzau, Piatra Neamt, Suceava,
Prizes, diplomas
2014 UAP painting award Chisinau (Moldova’s Salons) 24th edition.
Title of honorary citizen of Bacau County
2013 Nomination “Personality of the Year 2013″ award on the “Art category” awarded by Who is Who European Association Zug/Switzerland
2011 Nomination in the Graphics subdivision – Small Salon Bucharest
2009 1st prize for painting at the competition of the Gh. Petrascu Biennale, Targoviste
2008 Prize of the UAP branch for painting at the Ion Andreescu Biennale, Buzau
1999 Profesional Women’s Advisory Board Plaque awarded by A.B.I.
1976 2nd prize for painting at the National Teacher’s Exhibition
1968 Nomination for the Th. Aman scholarship
Works in museums and state and private collections
Museums in Romania (Bucharest, Bacau, Buzau, Botosani, Valcea, Tulcea, Deva, Muzeul de Arta Chisinau) State collections (Romanian Parliament, Tescani, Mogosoaia, “Mihai Eminescu” Memorial House Ipotesti, “Ion Irimescu” Memorial House, Falticeni, Army House Bucharest, France Collioure Town Hall)
Private collections in Romania, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Japan, Canada, USA, Australia, Greece, etc.