- Noel Roni, ”Grivița 1933”, 1963, color lithograph, 34×48,5 cm
Noel Roni 1912-1984
Florin Noel, Noel Roni publicly known under the pseudonym, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest in 1935, studing with Camil Ressu. From 1950 to 1956 he led Institutul de Arta ”Nicolae Grigorescu” din Bucuresti.
He illustrated many books: Mihail Sadoveanu “Nicoara Potcoava”, ”Hanul Ancuţei”, Cezar Petrescu, ”Fram ursul polar”, Victor Ion Popa, ”Sfârlează cu fofează”, Tolstoi “Anna Karenina”, Victor Hugo “Mizerabilii”, Ioan Slavici “Doi feti cu stea in frunte” among others.
He received in 1955 the State Prize and Silver Medal at the Book International Exhibition, Leipzig.