Portraits – UK and Romanian artists

Portraits – UK and Romanian artists

Portraits Corke Art Gallery, Liverpool Private View Thursday 4th July 2013 between 6pm – 8pm The exhibition is open until July 20, 2013 Portraits features artists from UK and abroad. They include Peter Edwards who was the winner of the 1994 BP Portrait Award and...
End of Empire @ Liverpool, video

End of Empire @ Liverpool, video

End of Empires Sat 2 – Sat 23 February 2013 featuring original paintings by Romanian contemporary artists: Radu Belcin, Flavia Pitiș, Aurel Tar, Francisc Chiuariu, Dragoș Burlacu. View more: End of Empires @ Liverpool  
End of Empires @ Corke Art Gallery, Liverpool

End of Empires @ Corke Art Gallery, Liverpool

End of Empires Sat 2 – Sat 23 February 2013 featuring original paintings by Romanian contemporary artists: Radu Belcin, Flavia Pitiș, Aurel Tar, Francisc Chiuariu, Dragoș Burlacu Apart from revival and reformation, the cycle of cultures is inevitably destined to...
Aurel Tar

Aurel Tar

Aurel Tar, True Diamonds, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 150 cm Aurel Tar, Metropolitan boys – Doitsch & Rou, 2007, acrylic on canvas, 91 x 91 cm Aurel Tar 1973 – born in Sebes, Alba, ROlives and works in Bucharest, RO1999 – member of Romanian Visual Artists...
Preview Berlin 2012

Preview Berlin 2012

Nasui private collection&gallery, Bucharest, Romania takes part into Preview Berlin 2012 and Berlin Art Week 2012, presenting four Romanian emerging artists and holding a debate on contemporary art. Schedule Exhibition Nasui private collection&gallery, Booth...
Romania in Paris, Contemporary artists

Romania in Paris, Contemporary artists

Roumanie, les artistes contemporains à Paris Romania in Paris, contemporary artists Commissaire : Cosmin Nasui Artistes : Radu Belcin, Dragos Burlacu, Francisc Chiuariu, Flavia Pitis, Aurel Tar Exposition : 8 juin – 15 juillet 2012 Vernissage : le 8 juin, 19h-20h La...
Roumanie, les artistes contemporains a Paris

Roumanie, les artistes contemporains a Paris

pentru română, vă rugăm mai josRoumanie, les artistes contemporains à Paris – Origin’ArtCurateur : Cosmin NasuiArtistes : Radu Belcin, Dragos Burlacu, Francisc Chiuariu, Flavia Pitis, Aurel TarExposition : 8 juin – 15 juillet 2012Vernissage : le 8 juin,...
Fair trade art, no.1 in preview space Bucharest

Fair trade art, no.1 in preview space Bucharest

Fair trade art (nr.1, trimestrial, noiembrie-decembrie 2011 – ianuarie 2012)Artiştii contemporani români Radu Belcin, Dragoş Burlacu, Francisc Chiuariu, Lucian Muntean, Flavia Pitiş, Bogdan Rața, Aurel Tar au început să fie cunoscuţi internaţional, iar cotele lor, aşa...
Colouring the Grey – State of Mind

Colouring the Grey – State of Mind

Colouring the Grey – State of MindIdentitatea tranzițieiProiectul curatorial “Colorând griul – Al doilea val de artişti contemporani emergenţi români” prezentat pentru prima dată în cadrul secţiunii Special Projects a Bienalei de artă contemporană de la Moscova 2011...
Colorând griul/Colouring the grey

Colorând griul/Colouring the grey

Colorând griul/Colouring the grey cuprinde în 240 de pagini bogat ilustrate lucrările a şapte artişti vizuali români care şi-au lăsat amprenta asupra evoluţiei artei contemporane din România ultimilor cinci ani. Însoţind un proiect selectat în cadrul Bienalei...
Marfa, banii & arta

Marfa, banii & arta

productie Money Channel, emisiunea Economia este viata, producator Eveline Pauna, martie 2012 Cultural-financial strategies The healthy growth of artistic market value is made gradually, through the creation of specific communication instruments, within long-term...
Colouring the Grey @ Artplay Moscova

Colouring the Grey @ Artplay Moscova

vezi și: „Colorând griul – Starea de spirit” @ Casa Artiștilor din Tel Aviv, Israel Francisc Chiuariu, Ana Maria Micu, Cătălin Petrișor, Bogdan Rața, „Post Humanism” @ Pecherskiy/V-art Gallery, Moscova Colorând griul @ Artplay Moscova Colorând griul – Al doilea val de...
Aurel TAR

Aurel TAR

Aurel Tar, Wonderful outskirts 3, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 145 x 92 cm Aurel Tar, Wonderful outskirts 2, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 145 x 92 cm Aurel Tar, Wonderful outskirts 1, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 145 x 92 cm Aurel Tar, Wonderful outskirts 4, 2011, acrylic on...